Grievance Procedures

Code of Student Conduct

Teams & Organizations

Student groups and athletic teams have their own grievance procedures, which may result in group/team discipline for when members of those groups/teams engage in hazing.  Individual members who violate the hazing policy will also still be subject to the grievance procedures under the Code of Student Conduct.  For more information regarding student group and athletic team grievance procedures, contact the Center for Student Engagement or Department of Athletics.

Grievance procedures exist for those who want to make a formal complaint regarding a hazing-related incident at the University.  The following information is intended to serve as a general overview of the Code of Student Conduct (“Code”) and the Office of Student Conduct’s grievance procedures for undergraduate, graduate, and School of Continuing Studies students.  The Law Center and School of Medicine have separate procedures for addressing complaints for students enrolled in those schools.

The student conduct system is based on a philosophy of balancing the common good of the community with the rights of the individual.  The Code outlines standards for maintaining a safe environment that support the University’s mission by allowing students the opportunity to develop intellectually, morally, spiritually, and socially.  It is designed to fit within the University’s larger education system and does not function as a court of law.  Procedural issues, including the introduction and consideration of information, are handled in a manner consistent with the University’s educational focus.  Where the allegations are more serious, and therefore the consequences more serious, the rules of procedure are structured appropriately.  The student conduct system is not a substitute for the criminal and civil courts, but it is an additional option for Complainants when the alleged violator is a Georgetown University student.

Any individual (“Complainant”) wishing to file a formal complaint against a Georgetown University student (“Respondent”) is strongly encouraged to submit the complaint through the online reporting system. 

Individuals may also contact the Office of Student Conduct directly via:

  • In-Person: 530 Leavey Center
  • Telephone: (202) 687.4553

While prompt reporting may aid an investigation, there is no time limit imposed as to when a formal complaint may be initiated against a current student, provided he/she was a Georgetown University student at the time of the alleged incident.

Upon receipt of a formal complaint of hazing, the Office of Student Conduct will determine the most appropriate manner to handle each individual complaint.  The following is a general summary of how the Office of Student Conduct may process alleged Code violations.  For complete information, please visit:

Protective Measure and Remedies

The Director for Student Conduct may determine that Protective Measures and/or additional remedies are necessary and appropriate to protect and support all parties and the University community before, during, and after the processing of a student conduct complaint.  Protective measures are not considered sanctions and may be implemented regardless of a finding of responsibility.

Protective Measures and/or remedies for individual students may include, but are not limited to:

  • No-contact orders;
  • Temporary housing and dining changes;
  • Employment accommodations;
  • Temporary course changes;
  • Medical and counseling services;
  • Academic support services and accommodations; and
  • Additional training and education.

Interim Suspension

If an individual appears to pose a risk of danger or disruption to the community or any individual, an individual may be temporarily suspended from the University through an Interim Suspension.  A student on Interim Suspension is prohibited from being on campus and is completely separated from all University sponsored activities, facilities and grounds.  An Interim Suspension does not require an admission of responsibility on the party of the Respondent and will remain in effect pending the results of a student conduct Hearing.

Administrative Action

Administrative Action is the resolution of a case by a Conduct Officer, as designated by the Office of Student Conduct.  The Conduct Officer has the ability to find a student responsible for violations of the Code of Student Conduct and assign sanctions.  A Conduct Officer cannot resolve a case that, under typical first-time circumstances, may result in disciplinary suspension or dismissal, unless a student accepts responsibility for engaging in the alleged behaviors.


The Office of Student Conduct may refer a case to a Hearing for a Hearing Board or Sexual Misconduct Hearing Panel to resolve under the following circumstances:

  • When the student denies engaging in a violation that, under typical first-time circumstances, may result in disciplinary suspension or dismissal;
  • When a student fails to respond to a complaint that, under typical first-time circumstances, may result in disciplinary suspension or dismissal; and/or
  • When the Office of Student Conduct determines that the facts are best determined by a Hearing Board or Sexual Misconduct Hearing Panel.

Report Hazing

The University will investigate all reports of hazing behavior, including those reported anonymously. If this is an emergency or an urgent situation, call 911 or Georgetown University Police (202-687-4343) immediately.